Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sleep Apnea/Restless Leg Syndrome - 2nd Sleep Study

Well, I do have Sleep Apnea and Restless Leg Syndrome. They classified the Sleep Apnea as Moderate to Severe. I had my second sleep study last night to get fitted for a CPAP machine. I actually slept better last night than I did during the first one, even with the mask on. I was really surprised. I tried a full face mask first, one that covers both my nose and my mouth. I thought I would like that one better because I tend to breathe from both my nose and mouth, but after about 30 minutes I had to switch to the nose only mask. After I switched I fell asleep pretty quickly. It was a little hard to only breathe through my nose, but eventually I got used to it. They start the CPAP machine on a level 4 then raise it through out the night to find out where you need it. Mine got raised to a 13, seems like a high number. The doctor will offically pick the number and write me a prescription for the machine. I'm still on the fence about actually using the thing at home.

On another note, I went to my family doctor on Thursday. I utterly and completely dispise him and I will NOT go back to him. Everything that is wrong with me is weigh related and he won't even consider anything else causing the problem. That just pisses me off, honestly I think he is a fat hater. I don't think he has to love overweight people, but I think he needs to be fair and he's NOT. You tell me how me having pain in my shoulder is caused by my being overweight. Not to mention the fact that apparently he's against giving out medications. I have shoulder, knee, and back pain and he gives me NOTHING. It's not like i'm some junkie addicted to pain killers, but when I'm in pain, I want something to make it stop. I don't think that's unreasonable.

Well, that's it for now.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2nd Nutritionist Appointment

It was pretty much more of the same. These appointments are going to get old fast. I weighed the same again, which irritates me, but it's nobody's fault but my own. There's not really anything else to say, so that's it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Cost of a Sleep Study.

My total cost for the sleep study that I had in May was $4086.54. THAT'S EXPENSIVE!! Holy Cow!

Thankfully, my insurance is pretty good and of that $4086.54 I have to pay $565.94. Not too bad I guess, I'd rather pay nothing but the $565.94 is ALOT better than the $4086.54 so I won't complain.

I have an appointment with the nutritionist on Tuesday of next week. I'm anxious to get it over with and get the 3rd one scheduled since there is a small possibility that insurance will approve my surgery then, but I HIGHLY doubt that they will. We'll see I guess.

Other than the above, not alot going on still. This is such a LONG process.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Nothing new.

Nothing new to report, not really anyway. I'm waiting for my two appointments in June and the results of my sleep study.

I have been able to quit drinking soda, at least for last three weeks. That's a good thing for me, I've never been able to go this long without soda. I did have a helluva headache for about a week, but it's good now.

That's it for now.