Monday, April 19, 2010

The Introduction

Okay, so we'll get the basics out of the way first. My name is Trish, I'm 31 (almost 32), I have a 3 1/2 year old son and I'm engaged to an awesome guy. I'm also FAT, technically speaking Super Morbidly Obese. I didn't think there was anything worse than Morbidly Obese, I was wrong. I'm 5'6" and I weigh a little over 400 pounds. I've tried TONS of diets, had a little success, but it was always short-lived and I gained back what I lost then some. I think my final option is Gastric Bypass Surgery. I've made my mind up about this, to me it's worth the risks. This blog is going to be about my journey up to the actual surgery, and then (hopefully) my weight loss after it's complete.

I've wanted to get this surgery for awhile, I've researched it and been to a seminar held by the doctor who performs them in my area. I've never had the means to actually get it done though, until now. My insurance covers the procedure now. All I need to do for them to pay for it is 6 months of supervised weight loss efforts. My first appointment with the gastric bypass surgeon is tomorrow. I'm excited to get this started. By the end of the year I should have the procedure done and am working on losing weight.

I probably will not blog daily, but I will blog after every doctor's appointment up to the actual procedure then I'm going to try to blog daily and post what I eat, what I'm doing as exercise, etc.

That's all for today, I'll blog again tomorrow after my first appointment!


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