Friday, May 28, 2010

Feeling the Effects

Lately I've really been feeling the effects of being 250 pounds overweight. You would have thought it would be a slow build up, but no it really seems like over the past year I've really been feeling it. I'm am tired all the time lately and I usually get plenty of sleep. My feet hurt all the time, and it's a thousand times worse on the days I work. My knee has been getting worse, as has my back. I've also noticed that my ankles are swelling like they did when I was pregnant, and believe me I'm NOT pregnant. I honestly just feel like I'm 95 years old. It makes me sad because I'm only 32 years old. What's going to happen when I'm 40? If for some reason I don't get this surgery I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't think I can go on much longer feeling the way I have been lately. Maybe I'm getting depressed, but honestly I've never been depressed in my life.

But then my little guy Christopher can always make me smile.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sleep Study

The sleep study SUCKED. I hated every minute of it.

It is almost impossible to sleep with 2565895747954 wires connected to your head, legs and hand. I'm praying that I don't have sleep apnea because I don't look forward to another sleep study. All those stupid wires make it almost impossible to move while you sleep, and I'm a tosser and turner. It didn't feel like I slept at all. I left at 5am and came home and slept better in the 3 1/2 hours before I had to go to work than I did all night at the sleep lab.

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Food Journal

In order to really try to meet my 4 goals from my dietitian appointment I'm going to start a food journal. I've done this many many times in the past and it really does help to hold you accountable. I'm going to start this Monday.

My sleep study is tomorrow night. I'm a little nervous, although ultimately I think I'll sleep fine, but we'll see. It's mostly just a pain in the butt because of work. I have to work all day Saturday, then go to the hospital, sleep, then go back to work the next morning. I'll get through it, but it still sucks.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First dietitian appointment.

I weighed the same 411 pounds. I met with a very nice woman although I can't remember her name at the moment. We talked about what I expected, what I eat during a day, how that has to change. Honestly she didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. We set a few small goals for myself. Nothing too hard, well it shouldn't be anyway.

1. Reduce all soda to 1 or less per day.
2. Reduce fast food consumption by half.
3. Drink 64oz - 75oz of water per day
4. Choose better snacks.

I think I can do this without too much effort. I hope I can lose 4 or 5 pounds by my next appointment which is June 15.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Appointments

The calls I've been waiting on have finally started coming in. I have an appointment with the dietitians on Tuesday and then I'm having the sleep study on Saturday night.

The sleep study is inconvenient to say the least though. I have to work 9am to 6pm that day and I have to be at the hospital at 8pm. So I'll only have enough time to come home, cook dinner, spend a very small amount of time with Chris and Danny then off to the hospital. I also have to be at work by 10am the next morning. I want to just get it over with though. I'm scared that I have sleep apnea. I so do not want to have to get one of those stupid machines.

I've also been feeling like this surgery isn't going to happen this year. I don't know, it's just with not being able to get it at Schneck, I feel that something major will happen to delay it if I try going to another hospital. We shall see I guess. I more determined than ever to get this done, even if it takes longer than I had hoped.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Another appointment out of the way.

I just got back from my appointment with Cathy the Bariatric Coordinator. It was pretty much just an informational meeting. I got weighed again this time I weighed 411 pounds. I have a hard time believing I gained 11 pounds in two weeks, but whatever. I might not be able to have my surgery at the hospital that I want too due to insurance. I guess the hospital that I have the surgery at has to be a "center of excellence" and my hospital isn't yet. I was told they will be in the coming months but possibly not in time for me to have surgery there. If I have to have surgery somewhere else all my stuff will transfer to the new surgeon and I'll still have my aftercare here. Seems like a pain in the ass to me though.

Cathy said that the dietitian, sleep study, and psych eval people will call me to set up appointments by the end of next week. This is such a long process, but it's necessary I guess.

Oh, I Cathy also took my "before" pictures today. I really want to get to the "after" pictures!

That's it for today. I'll blog again when something new happens.