Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Appointments

The calls I've been waiting on have finally started coming in. I have an appointment with the dietitians on Tuesday and then I'm having the sleep study on Saturday night.

The sleep study is inconvenient to say the least though. I have to work 9am to 6pm that day and I have to be at the hospital at 8pm. So I'll only have enough time to come home, cook dinner, spend a very small amount of time with Chris and Danny then off to the hospital. I also have to be at work by 10am the next morning. I want to just get it over with though. I'm scared that I have sleep apnea. I so do not want to have to get one of those stupid machines.

I've also been feeling like this surgery isn't going to happen this year. I don't know, it's just with not being able to get it at Schneck, I feel that something major will happen to delay it if I try going to another hospital. We shall see I guess. I more determined than ever to get this done, even if it takes longer than I had hoped.


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